Energy Sector GHG Inventory


Power, Transport, and Industry are three major sub-sectors under the Energy Sector, while Brick manufacturing, Residential and commercial buildings (energy use), Energy use in Agriculture activities (pumps, tractors, harvesters etc.), and fish farms, F-gases (HCFC use) in air conditioning and refrigeration and Fugitive emission from the gas transmission and distribution systems, flaring in oil/ gas fields etc. are considered as other sub-sectors of the Energy Sector.  Energy Sector accounts for 76.33% of total emissions (Source: Overview of Bangladesh’s NDC at COP26, 2021). The highest contribution (24.91% of the total) of GHG emission is found for the Industry (energy) subsector followed by Power (23.24% of the total) and Transport (8.86% of the total) under the Energy Sector. In the unconditional scenario, 26.3 Mt CO2e (95.4%) of this emission reduction will be from the Energy sector.

The Energy Sector held the highest contribution to the total GHG emission at 93.09 Mt CO2e or 55.07% of the total emission in 2012. BAU scenario by 2030 is projected to be 312.54 Mt CO2e (76.34% of the total) in the Energy sector.


Emission Estimates - Energy Sector

Total emission from energy sector CO2e Gg
1.A.3 - Transport (total)
1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction
A.1.a.i - Electricity Generation
CO2 Emission from Residential, Agricultural & Commercial Sectors
Contribution of different categories on Energy sector's emission (%) (2019)

Emission Estimates - Summary of energy sectors emission estimates

Greenhouse emission from Energy consuming sectors (CO2e Gg)

  2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Contribution of different categories on energy sector's emission (%)
1.A.1.a.i - Electricity Generation 46735.0 46346.0 44155.0 42038.0 37746.0 34958.0 32714.0 40.55
1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction 26888.0 25947.0 24402.0 25241.0 23148.0 22435.0 20835.0 23.33
1.A.3 - Transport (total) 19846.0 16263.0 15864.0 13555.0 14018.0 12472.0 13575.0 17.22
1.A.3.a.ii-Domestic Aviation 938.0 890.0 822.0 757.0 738.0 704.0 694.0
1.A.3.b.i.2 - Passenger cars without 3-way catalysts 2440.0 2019.0 1962.0 1710.0 1708.0 1485.0 1450.0
1.A.3.b.ii.2 - Light-duty trucks without 3-way catalysts 1985.0 1410.0 1298.0 1030.0 1135.0 914.0 1215.0
1.A.3.b.iii - Heavy-duty trucks and buses 12682.0 10320.0 10201.0 8504.0 9082.0 8126.0 8960.0
1.A.3.b.iv - Motorcycles 1232.0 1152.0 1136.0 1089.0 1030.0 934.0 979.0
1.A.3.c - Railways 168.0 140.0 156.0 115.0 117.0 113.0 115.0
1.A.3.d.ii - Domestic Water borne Navigation 401.0 332.0 289.0 350.0 208.0 196.0 162.0
1.A.4.a - Commercial/Institutional 835.0 833.0 981.0 1260.0 1522.0 1619.0 1871.0 0.72
1.A.4.b - Residential 12317.0 11355.0 9702.0 9755.0 8573.0 6960.0 6703.0 10.69
1.A.4.c - Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Fish Farms 3452.0 3502.0 2909.0 3040.0 2983.0 2809.0 2697.0 3.00
1.B-Fugitive emissions from fuels (total) 5185.0 7325.0 7325.0 9336.0 9336.0 9336.0 9336.0 4.50
1.B.2.b.iii.4- Transmission and Storage (Fugitive) 896.0 896.0 896.0 896.0 896.0 896.0 896.0
1.B.2.b.iii.5- Distribution (Fugitive) 4289.0 6429.0 6429.0 8440.0 8440.0 8440.0 8440.0
Total emission from energy sector CO2e Gg 115258.0 111571.0 105338.0 104225.0 97326.0 90589.0 87731.0

Cover Page of Volume 2


Stationary Combustion

Mobile Combustion

Fugitive Emissions

Carbon Dioxide Transport and Injection and Geological Storage

Reference Approach


All Worksheets in Vol2

Click the link below for Emission
Estimates Data :

Energy Sector Report 002

Energy Sector Report 001

You can download the report file of the Energy sector data here